

The following are the principles and beliefs which guide and inform Joanne’s work:

  • The core competencies of leadership are self-awareness and an unswerving commitment to know oneself  – about who you are in your essence, your sources of inner strength, and the purpose and values that guide and inspire all your actions.  This self-knowledge catalyzes a “revolution in one’s inner way of being” that fuels the sheer wherewithal, resolve, courage and passion needed to effectively execute on the “field of play” –  showing up fully, discerning what needs to be done, and making it happen – “a revolution in outer things”.


  • The conscious cultivation of practices that strengthen your capacity to return to center when knocked off or triggered is crucial to leadership mastery.
    • “When under pressure, one will always drop to one’s level of practice, never rise to one’s level of expectation.” ~Bruce Lee, Martial Arts Master
    • “It is not that I don’t lose my center, I just know how to recover efficiently.” ~ Paraphrased from Morehei Uchiba, Founder of the Aikido School of martial arts.
    • “The power is in the recovery.” ~ Wendy Palmer, Black belt Aikido Master and teacher


  • The cultivation of inner balance is necessary to efficiently, effectively and sustainably navigate the sea of accelerating change – the balance of critical thinking and intuition, resiliency and versatility, firmness and flexibility, intentionality and responsiveness, action and reflection, mind and heart, task and relationship.


  • Increased proficiency and ultimate mastery of the above creates an inner bedrock of self trust and conviction that exudes outward as an authentic and compelling presence in all that you do, in every communication you make. This is leading – and living –  “in the zone”.  Herein lies true power.



Other key quotes that have inspired Joanne:

“Knowing others is intelligence; Knowing yourself is true wisdom; Mastering others is strength;  Mastering yourself is true power.” ~ Lao Tzu

“Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself. It is precisely that simple, and it is also that difficult.”  ~ Warren Bennis

“Your first and foremost job as a leader is to take charge of your own energy and then help orchestrate the energy of those around you.” ~ Peter Drucker

“The task of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity, but to elicit it, for the greatness is already there.”  ~ John Buchan

The point is not to become a leader. The point is to become yourself, to use yourself completely – all your skills, gifts, and energies – in order to make your vision manifest. Enjoy the process of becoming.”  Warren Bennis

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” ~ Viktor Frankl

“There comes a time in the journey when you begin to live your life from the inside out –  never doubting, never judging – always trusting that bedrock within.” ~ Angeles Arrien





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