

I partner with high achieving leaders who are at a crossroads and inflection point in their lives and work where they desire to live and lead inspired by a clear sense of purpose and meaning. They desire to re-imagine their work and their lives to experience a deeper sense of meaning, purpose and fulfillment, having reaped the outer rewards that have come from success. Achievement, though important, is no longer enough.

The enterprises I work within are purpose and mission inspired for-profit and not-for-profit industry-leading organizations, where trust and integrity are at the heart of the business – and where professed values vibrantly live in the culture, consistently demonstrated in “on the field of play” behaviors and practices. These organizations attract the best talent. People want to work there.

My over-arching passion and commitment is to help bring increased consciousness, meaning, upliftment and integrity to the workplace and the “doing of business”, specifically through the leverage point of leadership. Conscious, purpose-inspired, self-aware leaders most effectively fulfill on the #1 role of a leader, which is to inspire others … To inspire others to be and give their best, to inspire others to fully engage and commit. When people are inspired, engaged and led well, they will go above and beyond to get the job done and experience tremendous personal fulfillment and meaning in doing so.

If you and your organization either are on or desire to be on this trajectory, consider that I may be your partner to help you get there.




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